The NCI Standards Framework

Why Standards?

The NCI Standards Framework represents the Professional and Practice Guidelines used by successful Practitioners who are working with clients. They convey a level of best practice to aspire to. These standards are woven into the accreditation process; they represent the Institute’s ethos, as Practitioners facilitate the process of change through the Method. Partnering with clients in this way will help Practitioners to influence real, meaningful and lasting change.

The Framework

The Standards Framework is organized into three areas: Mastering the Method, Demonstrating Integrity and Partnering with Clients. These are all important; each standard is considered core to how Practitioners work. During the accreditation process, we focus upon Mastering the Method, however the other two standards are interconnected and underpin this in critical ways.

The Detail

Mastering the Method

Facilitates insight, learning and change through using the Method

Demonstrating Integrity

Builds trust through ethical behavior and alignment with professional guidelines and standards

Partnering with Clients

Establishes a clear agreement with the client around process, plans and goals