Neuro Change Method

“I just wanted to share the successes I have been having with my clients applying some of the Neuro Change Methods in my coaching sessions. Creating Cognitive Dissonance for changing beliefs has been the most successful one of them all…

Flipping the belief statement around and asking them questions, that make them think about their beliefs differently, directing attention towards pieces of evidence that are contrary to their beliefs; I have had clients come back to me & say, I realized “I was wrong all along, the opposite is true” and “It has helped to take some pressure off myself”. It’s taken only a couple of sessions for them to change their beliefs completely & become more conscious of it!

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”As a coach, there is nothing more fulfilling… and I want to THANK the faculty, trainers, and everyone who has put together this amazing framework #neurochangemethod . I feel so much more empowered as a coach. THANK YOU !!!

- Anisha G.

“As a result of The Neuro Change Method, I have changed. I have been on a lifelong journey of self-reflection and research and education toward removing barriers and personal growth.

I have experienced something almost surreal with this new learning. In its succinct, intelligent, and logical approach, The Neuro Change Method has helped me to better regulate my internal emotions, be much more mindful of my actions, and finally, remove my subconscious fears. I am fascinated with the concept of neuroplasticity and I feel motivated in a new way.

- Sandra L

“The support and efforts done for us to reach this point are remarkable and highly appreciated.

Thanks to everyone in LIBC and the academic staff. I can’t wait to enjoy where this wonderful journey is heading.”

- Mourad G

“I can honestly say I couldn’t be happier that I crossed paths with my National Director a year ago which led me here, and that I took the plunge with some…. persistence and nudge work from her to sign up to this excellent course.

The investment alone for myself understanding of how my brain works is a plus and to now have further insight on how to further improve my skills and help my clients more is awesome …. There is still more focused study needed and deliberate practice in store for me. Thank you legends!

- Mourad G

Neuro Change Resources and Tools

“This is brilliant! I’ve been through the resource library online and everything works perfectly .. easy ..organized and just brilliant!

Thank you so much for your hard work, this is so amazing! Everything at our fingertips! You have to think of everything and you do it so well. Everything is connected to another layer of information. Thank you so much for keeping it all in order for us! Wow Wow Wow! “

- Kathy W.

“Delighted to say …. I’ve passed the certification.

I’ve not been present on the live sessions due to the timings (UK-based) but the recorded resources, the LMS, and the materials have all been excellent.”

- Robert E.

“Loving the continued support we are getting. The revision sessions coupled with the Flashcards are beautiful. It gives me so much clarity making deliberate practice effortlessly turn into FLOW.

I’m guessing it’s the same for all my new Worldwide friends. When I even start to think consciously or unconsciously about Neuro Change I’m so happy!”

- Karim D.

Successfully completed the exam due to the incredible resources -set out to support us – the revision notes and online study flashcards helped immensely. Along with webinars and great teachers. It really is a supportive team.”

- Cathy H

“Where there is a will or goal or two there is a way!

I have passed THE Exam, and yes it was my second attempt but it has been so rewarding! Not bad for a girl that was told she would never amount to anything! Luckily my neurons got together with my transmitters who then contacted my growth mindset and told my brain to kick it up a notch or two so that my beliefs, mindset, and emotional intelligence could all come along for the ride!

Wow!!! I am so proud of myself right now! A THUNDEROUS THANK YOU to our fearless leader Mr. John Grant, and his amazing team! Thank you all for believing in me to do this! I have a million lives I want to change too!

Thank you to Laura De Lange for creating a brilliant resource and Professor John Bargh who brought the symphony of knowledge to our minds and lit it up with the power to achieve anything you set your mind, heart, and soul to!”

- Josie K

Thank you, John and your team, for your tireless work in helping us all move forward. I’m sure we all agree that Laura De Lange is THE BOMB!, a very user-friendly compilation in everything you touch making it easier for us to digest and ‘handle’ – thank you

- Marie P

“This has been such an incredible experience and I want to thank the entire team for providing us the tools & resources to pass this exam! Super grateful to be a part of something so massive and life-changing!

I grew up believing that I wasn’t as smart as the rest of the class and that I didn’t have it in me to ace a test or pass an exam with flying colors. When I discovered my purpose in life and started to take action I smashed those limiting beliefs and will continue to do so!”

- Tamar M


“I absolutely loved Dr. Lenny’s presentation on Neuroplasticity III. Using storytelling to share her life and how the concepts of cognitive dissonance, habits, and motivation applied to her. Then we related that to ourselves. It was a fantastic approach for learning and very interesting. You are very genuine and relatable. Thank you, Dr. Lenny! It is a privilege to listen from someone that not only knows theory, but you also live it.”

- Jeannette M

“Feels like every week I’m thanking someone for something, but OMG wasn’t John Bargh’s session simply SENSATIONAL!

How privileged are we all to be part of this. I feel like we are all doing a Neuro Change Ph.D. together and it feels absolutely awesome.

One reflection to myself during the session and I think it applies to us all. It is OUR 100% DUTY as Neuro Changers to share all this GENIUS with the World

- Karim D.

“The lecture is engaging, and I loved it when Dr. Sam answered questions tonight, THAT was magic… I know we have to cover the material, however, when he gets going it’s like that thing John says about Dr. Sam… it’s brilliant!”

- Louise M.

Optional Marketing Training For Students of the Neuro Change Method. Our Company is Affiliated With the Online Marketing Specialists - Enterprise Online. Some of Our Students Desire to Master the Art of Marketing Online. Here is What Some of the Graduates Are Saying About One Small Component of Enterprise Online.

“Wow, John – you certainly do provide the tools and the inspiration for us to Stand and Deliver. I very much appreciate the direct approach when speaking to a corporate client. I have since started my list of clients to approach.

You are a master at evoking emotion and keeping it real. Sharing your story of how you started out, as a diamond in the rough of your speaking career, was very inspirational. The emotion I feel is due to your spirit of generosity in sharing all that you know in order for us to get better at our craft. The content of all 6 sessions of Stand and Deliver has been phenomenal and directly applicable to us. I only have one recommendation – that you please continue to conduct ‘John Grant’ sessions for us – any topic at all. Sharing your wisdom, your experiences, and your passion has a significant impact on us.

You are our fuel – thank you so very much!”

- Sandra L

“Stand and Deliver is a fantastic series; I sold courses in corporate for years, but this is Top Shelf stuff! I have had the confidence to reach out to collegiate and professional sports coaches around the world and get the dialogue started, which is a huge task in itself when this level of coach commands salaries that can range between $500K and 4 Mil.

But guess what, brain-based science is on their mind too and how they increase coaches’ and players’ production. Just brilliant!

- Lynn S.

“The Stand and Deliver Training John Grant is giving Practitioners to help them get into corporate is absolutely brilliant. John has mastered the art over years of getting into companies to deliver a keynote presentation that sells your program and he is sharing all his insights and expertise in this area with us as an added bonus, I am so grateful. We all took away so many gold nuggets today. Thank you!”

- Tessa J.

“I LOVED this morning’s training. I’ve been trying to develop a KNP approach since doing the NCM training because I know how powerful your LIB keynote is to use – and now you’ve shared the magic formula!!!
I think it’s genuinely the first time I’ve been so excited to be in lockdown because I can just sit here, let the kids run wild and the hubby do as he wants, and dig deep into this!!!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! For your generosity, sharing your expertise with all of this and the support for us to drink the water, not just leading us to it”

- Tina D.